Machynlleth Community Children’s Project provides high-quality child care for children aged between 6 months and 12 years of age that assists them in their social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional development. We are committed to helping them to learn through play in a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment where each child can develop to their full potential and be valued as individuals.
We’re a registered charity, managed by a voluntary committee and staffed by qualified, DBS checked professionals whose wide range of life experiences gives them a mature and well-rounded approach to childcare. We also welcome students on placement, volunteers and visitors who enrich the experiences of children.
Our services operate in two welcoming and secure purpose-built premises with indoor and outdoor space for active play, as well as quiet areas, children’s toilet facilities and a kitchen.
We plan a broad range of activities on a weekly basis to suit the age, stage development and individual needs of the children in our care. We have a strong focus on outdoor and physical activities. Both of our settings have a large garden and outdoor play equipment for the children to play with. The children also have their own garden, where they grow flowers, fruit and vegetables. All of our activities are carefully risk assessed and children are encouraged to contribute their thoughts and ideas when we’re planning and evaluating their experiences.
We deliver our services bi-lingually so that the children can feel comfortable communicating through the medium of Welsh and English. We promote the use of Welsh as much as possible through our story and singing sessions, and also throughout the day during playtimes and mealtimes. The majority of our staff speak Welsh fluently and all staff have learnt vocabulary used during the day and simple songs, rhymes and stories.